Thursday, December 18, 2003

Thursday morning, and I'm dreaming of my latte. For the first night in weeks - I slept so good. I don't even think I moved at all once I got all curled up in bed. I woke up in the same position I fell asleep in, with no memory of tossing and turning, and glancing at the clock every hour. I'm sure hubby appreciated it too. I actually feel RESTED this morning! I must remember this feeling.....

We went to see Dad last night at Highline. His TV was on while we were sitting there talking, and the case about the woman in Texas who was arrested for selling a sex toy came on. They were showing rows upon rows of all these devious looking devices...and Dad was getting a little chuckle out of it.

Me: Geez - some of those things look like they'd send a person running for the hills!

Dad: Damn straight...

~news flashes to a picture of the woman with a big toothy smile, her eyes slightly glazed over~

Dad: Looks like she's on some sort of medication....

Me: Looks like she's used one too many of what she's selling!

Needless to say, he got a belly laugh out of that one...

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