Monday, November 10, 2003

I'm seriously dragging this morning. I went and splurged on a double shot Amaretto latte this morning, but so far it has yet to take effect. There are a couple of reasons why this is.... so sit down and let me spill it, mmkay?

First, today is the day my kitty Buzzbee is being put to sleep. :( He lived a good kitty life, 14 years roaming around the house I grew up in. He's a big ole' black and white splotch kitty, with huge yellow eyes. Unfortunately, he got cancer on his nose....and none of us wanted to see him suffering with it,'s the day. I was in somewhat of a foul mood all day yesterday, and didn't even really think about it relating to this... but then when I kneeled down by the chair he was lounging in (by a crackling fire no less!) I couldn't help but cry. Fourteen years is a long time to get to know a little critter...and harder still when you have to leave knowing that's the last time you'll ever see them.

So....hubby and I drove to the place we're house sitting, and I cried pretty much the whole way. But, after awhile, I pulled myself together, and we got ready to call it a night. Well, after we went upstairs to bed....Chiquita, the chihuahua that we're looking after...decided to start barking wildly downstairs, running through the house as if there was a 20' tall beasty trying to get in the door. This was at about 1:30 in the morning! So...hubby goes down and braves the dark to see if there's anything to be concerned of. Chiquita stares at the back sliding glass door, then runs around. Hubby spends a good 15 minutes down there, before he comes back up, not having seen anything. He gets back in bed...and the damned dog does it again. This time we both haul ourselves up and go down, and's a bit spooky, peering through the windows to the old empty swimming pool out back...

So, we finally decide to just turn on some lights downstairs, take the phone upstairs with us...and chalk it up to a nervous chihuahua (even though she hadn't done this sort of thing the whole first week we'd been there...). Neither of us can get to sleep now...and sure enough, two hours later, the whole thing starts up again. Hubby was so sleepy when he got up at 5:30, and I look like hell today.... and we both decided that we're not staying there overnight anymore. They're coming back Friday - we'll stay there in the evenings, and then we're going home to sleep in our own bed. No more of this getting freaked out in a big old creepy house!!!! I mean, I didn't even mention the glassy eyed dolls that lined the stairway going up to our room. Hubby took them all off the stairway and tucked them away...but when I go to use the computer I can still see the backs of their heads where they're standing, like they were bad little girls and were sent to the corner to be punished. OI! *shiver*

Anyway....I'm sleepy, I'm sad..... oi, what a day.

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