Friday, July 22, 2005

So we're sitting at the DMV, waiting to get the husband's license renewed....when the following conversation ensued:

Him: "After it gets dark tonight, I want to light some candles in the kitchen, get out the silverware letters, and experiment with taking some pictures of them in that light."

Me: (Nodding slowly...looking at him, trying to figure out what 'silverware letters' were, and not wanting to admit I had no clue) "Yeahhhhh. Sure....that'd be cool."

---- silence for a few minutes, letting us absorb the smell of Lysol from the plastic seats we were sitting on, along with the dozen other people sitting and staring at the walls with zombie-wide eyes ------

Me: "Um.... what are silverware letters?"

Him: (Turning slowly to me, cracking a big grin) "CI-VIL WARRRRRRRR letters."

Me: OHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. (Lots of stifled laughter, eyes watering, and shoulder shaking).

Him: "Dearest Mother, it sure would be nice to have a fork...."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

civil war letters? Did they have a different alphabet back then?