Thursday, January 27, 2005


To all who read my blog... my morning has taken an unexpected, sorrowful turn.

I just recieved word that my father has passed away.

After I take time to deal with the situation, and make sense of everything, I will return. I am certain that writing will be a solace in this, and that if my posts take on a somber tone for awhile, you will know why.

Thank you for coming here, everyone. And thank you for understanding.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

The Great Manilow Caper

About eight months ago, my best friend Beth moved into a new townhouse. As I was helping her decorate her new bedroom, she came to me with her head hung low and her arm outstretched, holding out a CD for me.

"Take it," she implored. "I've begun life anew. I now have Bono and the rest of U2 for making my life complete. I want this to be the turning of a new leaf. Please... take this CD. Dispose of it as you will. I will never listen to it again."

I chortled as I took the CD. That large nosed, bad haired image of Barry Manilow smiled at me from the jewel case. He was 'Singin'With The Big Bands'... oh yes he was.

"But BETH! He was your main man for so long! Are you sure? I mean, are you really SURE you are ready to rid yourself of the last morsel of Manilow in your life?"

She glared at me from behind her glasses. "Don't rub it in!! I don't want to admit that I ever listened to him! Just...burn it or something!"

I cackled. I snorted. She biffed me on the arm. I tucked the CD in my purse, knowing I would find a fitting end for this chapter in Beth's life.

Later that night, as I drove to our friend Jeremy's house (which is the hangout for all the Halo addicted guys I know, including my hubby)... an idea flashed into my impish little brain. A few minutes later, the Manilow CD was being nestled under the corner of Jeremy's roommate's bed. Poor Trevor... little did he know we would begin the countdown to when he would find the Manilow CD, and no doubt wonder how in the hell it got there...WHY it got there... and who put it there.

All these months later, and the Manilow CD had been forgotten. Until the phone rang, and the message machine captured the best deadpan voice I've ever heard.

"Hi Larry and Aimee, this is Trevor. I found the gift that you left for me.... between my boxspring and mattress. I'd would like to thank you, but you both suck. So... take care."

BWHAHAH! Ahhhhhhhh.... yes. I can't wait to talk to Jeremy to find out how the Manilow Caper unfolded.